Sunday 25 September 2016

Flat Belly Diet Plan

Celebrity trainer James Duigan's Clean & Lean diet plan can help you lose all the unwanted flab. The diet involves cutting out 'toxic' foods that encourage the body to store fat — including alcohol, sugar and processed foods. Meals on James's diet plan are full of fish, lean meat — including turkey and chicken — and fresh, preferably organic vegetables.

Saturday 24 September 2016

How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

There are no shortcuts to growing long hair. On average, hair grows about a half an inch per month. Your general health, well-being, and genetic factors affect your rate of hair growth.
You can encourage hair growth by maintaining healthy hair through a good diet and proper hair care. Certain herbs can help make your hair grow faster, too.
Below are 10 steps to make your hair grow faster

1. Eat a healthy diet

Monday 12 September 2016

How to get bigger Buttocks with exercises

You WILL NOT need to count calories. OK so there are 3 steps to getting bigger butt toned and sexy .

1. Motivation And Commitment

You must REALLY believe that you can achieve your goal. If you deep down don’t believe it then mentally you will say why bother? And you will find yourself not doing much. So it is critical to convince yourself (this takes self reflection time) that your goal is achievable. Remember if other people can do it, so can you. Yes the top actors and actresses all have personal trainers but they are still human beings, born with the same basic functionality that we are. Plenty of normal (non celeb) people are toned too. If you can see other people doing it you MUST rationalise to yourself that you can. If you believe that somehow genetically you are some type of quasi-alien that was born with a completely different body type to many other people and you are unique, you would be wrong. Everyone can be toned. It just takes a well thought out plan, and critically, perseverance to that plan.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Foods That Makes The Buttocks Big And Firm

Haha! you thought you had tried everything to get Beyoncé Butt.

Squat challenge, discrete contractions in the subway and rising daily walks: it is not always easy to keep up! For the lazy, the overbooked… and all the others, we have the solution. What if you could rehabilitate his diet?how to grow your butt fast eating some foods ?Foods That Make Your Buttocks Bigger

Mackerel :  the muscle needs a large protein intake (eg from fish fat) to develop. Mackerel are rich in omega 3, it maintains high protein levels in the body and thus facilitates muscle swelling.

How To Get A Bigger Booty In One Week

You should know that Summer is approaching fast and many women are slowly beginning to deal with their bodies. Various exercises for tightening and weight loss are now becoming a priority, because it’s very important for women to be ready for the bikini season. If you want to welcome this summer fit and strong- now is the right time for action! Nice legs, tight stomach and lifted buttocks are just few of the items that are on the wish list of many ladies. However, the results can not be achieved by sitting in your chair or lying in your bed, but with hard work, a lot of sweat, proper diet and a few simple tricks! This time, I’ll focus on the part of the female body that men love the most, and that is the female butt. If you want to have a nice, firm and attractive butt that will make guys go crazy, it’s time to familiarize yourself with a few tips that deliver outstanding results in only a week.

The Perfect Way To Get Bigger Booty

You want a bigger and better butts right? the first steps is to know your butts
Here: Meet Your Butt

The female butt is an interesting thing to contemplate. Unlike other parts of the body (with the possible exclusion of the breasts), it’s an area of fat accumulation that most women are desperate to make bigger rather than smaller. It’s also probably the only area of the body where they are happy to get larger muscles. Yes, the derriere is a lesson in contradictions. Let’s take a little time to dig beneath the cellulite and find out just what makes your butt tick.

Saturday 10 September 2016

Get Round Butt Guaranteed

Get a Round Butt with these Bigger Butt Exercises

You must do more than just work out to get your booty to grow. This article explains how to get a rounder, and firmer behind with our proven exercises that isolate your glutes for maximum results, while also showing you how to avoid common mistakes that will jeopardize your progress.

10-minute firm butt workout

Lose the droopy booty and get a perfectly toned posterior with this 10-minute firm butt workout.

Before you begin, get limber with a 6-minute warm-up routine. Afterwards, cool down with a 5-minute stretch.


Target: back and legs

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, feet facing forwards and hands stretched out in front. Lower yourself by bending your knees as if you were preparing to sit down on a chair. Go down as far as feels comfortable, aiming to get your thighs parallel to the floor. Slowly rise up to the starting position and repeat 8 to 10 times.


    Keep your back straight and look forwards.
    Keep your weight equal between toes and heels.
    Don't let your knees extend over your toes.

5 Minute Workout For Bigger Buttocks And Larger Hip

One of the best natural and effective ways to get a bigger butt is by doing the right workouts on a regular basis. In fact, there are highly intense fat-burning and muscle-building workouts you can do in as little as five minutes, and without expensive gym equipment.

Here is an amazing workout you can do in as little as five minutes each day for a bigger and better butt.

10 Exercises That Helps Build Bigger Buttocks

Squats – Doing squats are one of the most common and popular workouts to help tone and build muscle in the butt. However, they can also be a bit boring… Jazz up your squat sessions by using handheld weights, doing a variation of squats (such as single-leg squats or squat kickbacks) or even doing them during another activity, such as blow-drying your hair!

For example, do a set of 20 squats and then switch it up with a set of lunges or other butt-building or hip fat workout. Be sure to do at least 15 minutes of squats per day to begin noticing results! For more advice, be sure to also check out our sample workout regimen below.

Thursday 8 September 2016

Recommended Diets For Bigger Buttocks And Wider Hip

If you want a wider hip and bigger buttocks, then Don’t Skip the Diet

While fat-burning and butt-building workouts are effective, they won’t be as effective all on their own. Diet is also crucial to getting a bigger butt.

Eating the right foods, such as foods that are high in protein and contain healthy fats are great for building lean muscle and gaining weight—in the right areas—while also slimming your waist line.

For example, some of the best foods for getting a bigger butt include:

    Mixed nuts
    Sweet potatoes
    Fresh veggies

Food And Exercises To Make Your Hip Wider And Buttocks Bigger

Women want to get bigger and wider hips, but they are unable to understand how to get them. If you are too skinny or too overweight, you will have to become dedicated and focused if you really wish to get bigger and wider hips.

If you are wondering how to get bigger hips and have tried a number of different exercises as well, to no effect, it is important that you alter your approach.

Foods That Make Your Buttocks Bigger

This days girls without big booty are highly intimidated. Girls who has got big booty appear often in dance videos more than girls without, cos that's what people want to see. Even guys like girls with big booty more than girls without.
Just Before you join the surgery wagon, or kill yourself doing 100 squats a day, know that there are foods that you can eat in order for your backside to grow naturally, they include the following.

Monday 11 July 2016

Flat Stomach Exercises

The best exercise for the stomach is not the traditional sit-up or ab crunch. It's not leg thrusts or trunk twists either.

So before you go out and buy the Gut Buster 5000, you should know that the best exercise you can do for your stomach won't cost you a thing.

All you need are your two feet because the best exercise that I'm talking about is none other than walking or jogging.

If you've found that your stomach is a little more flabbier than it used to be, it's likely there are other parts of your body that have unwanted weight attached. It's just that the stomach is often times the most noticeable.

Your body cannot just eliminate fat in one area. So if you are trying to crunch your way to a flatter stomach without exercising the rest of your body and reducing your fat intake, you'll never see results.

Saturday 9 July 2016


Unless your scalp unleashes new strands like a Chia Pet, gaining new length is going to take time. "Hair typically only grows about a quarter of an inch — to a half an inch max — a month, and that's only if it is super-healthy and doesn't have a ton of split ends. The bottom line: practice patience.

it is true that getting regular trims to snip splits won't make your hair actually grow faster, it will keep tips looking healthy and prevent splits from working their way up strands, requiring you to chop hair off more often. If you wait so long that splits are causing your hair to break off high up on the strand, your hair will actually be shorter than if you get consistent trims, I suggests asking your stylist to take around just an eighth of an inch off every 10 to 12 weeks to prevent extreme split ends before they start.

Thursday 3 March 2016

How to Have a Permanent Pink Lips

I.  Exfoliate with a toothbrush. One of the best ways to get naturally pink lips is to regularly exfoliate your lips with a toothbrush

II. Make a lip scrub

III. Moisturize

How to clear Acne Bumps from your Skin

Hormone-related skin problems aren’t just for teens. Surging progesterone and testosterone levels before your period can cause adult acne to erupt around the mouth, chin, and nose. And hormonal stress can exacerbate eczema—dry, irritated skin, often on the face and hands.

Tuesday 1 March 2016

3 Ways to Naturally Make Your Teeth Whiter

Everyone will love a whiter teeth, but not everyone knows how to go about it. Here are some do-it-yourself guide you can use to naturally achieve a whiter teeth from the comfort of your home.

Monday 29 February 2016

How To Get Rid Of Black Spots Using Lemon Juice

Black spots or dark patches can be lightened or eliminated to restore a glowing facial complexion. Dark spots and other marks on the face may be due to excess secretion of melanin on the skin.

Factors that can lead to one having a black spot on the face include over exposure to the sun, hormone imbalance, pregnancy, certain medications, vitamin deficiencies, lack of sleep and too much stress.

Here is how to get rid of black spots using Lemon Juice.

Lemons have vitamin C that can lighten dark spots on your face. It's easy to apply.

1. Put some fresh lemon juice on a cotton ball and rub it directly on the affected skin area.

Friday 26 February 2016

Seven (7) Ways To Naturally Get Rid of Body Odor

Unpleasant body odor is an embarrassing problem that can lead to all sorts of social, cultural, and professional issues.

Although there are many deodorizing products on the market, many of these contain harmful chemicals whose long-term use is not recommended. Therefore, many people are seeking more natural alternatives for eliminating body odor.

Saturday 24 October 2015

Foods That Make Your Buttocks Bigger Naturally

This days girls without big booty are highly intimidated. Girls who has got big booty appear often in dance videos more than girls without, cos that's what people want to see. Even guys like girls with big booty more than girls without.
Just Before you join the surgery wagon, or kill yourself doing 100 squats a day, know that there are foods that you can eat in order for your backside to grow naturally, they include the following.

Friday 9 October 2015

How to know a woman who is infected with HIV

In general, the symptoms of HIV in women aren't all that different to those a man would experience:
  • Early stages of HIV: A short "flu-like" illness that occurs about 2 weeks after infection. Read more about the symptoms of HIV.
  • Mid-stage HIV: A latency period of up to ten years where few (if any) symptoms are experienced. Swollen or painful glands are likely to be the main indication of an HIV infection during this time.
  • Advanced HIV: Constitutional symptoms such as fatigue, weight-loss and dementia can signify a HIV infection is advancing into its later stages.
However, there are some vaginal HIV symptoms that occur in women only:
See more after the cut.........

Tuesday 24 February 2015

6 Ways to Whiten your Teeth

Listed below are 6 natural ways you can whiten your teeth
1. Brush After Drinking or Eating
 The best way, but not always the easiest is to simply brush your teeth after eating or drinking something. This takes a lot of persistence and can even be kind of difficult depending on where you are at the time. Most food does not stain teeth, but if you are a coffee drinker or if you smoke, you can pretty much count on having discolored teeth from staining. If this is the case then having your teeth cleaned every three months may be in order, besides trying some of the natural remedies listed here.

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