Sunday 11 September 2016

The Perfect Way To Get Bigger Booty

You want a bigger and better butts right? the first steps is to know your butts
Here: Meet Your Butt

The female butt is an interesting thing to contemplate. Unlike other parts of the body (with the possible exclusion of the breasts), it’s an area of fat accumulation that most women are desperate to make bigger rather than smaller. It’s also probably the only area of the body where they are happy to get larger muscles. Yes, the derriere is a lesson in contradictions. Let’s take a little time to dig beneath the cellulite and find out just what makes your butt tick.

Gluteus Maximus: The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle group in your body. It makes up the major part of your butt. The key functions of the glutes are to spread your legs, extend them and turn them. The gluteus maximus works in concert with the gluteus minimus and the gluteus medius to complete these movements as well as to give us a cushion to sit upon.

Gluteus Medius: This muscle sort of look like a pork chop is situated near the outside of the pelvis. Its job is to keep your pelvis stable when you’re walking or when you’re off balance. If we didn’t have this stabilizer muscle we’d stagger around like an unreformable alcoholic all day long.

Gluteus Minimus: This is, as the name implies, the smallest of the three glute muscles. It is situated directly below the gluteus medius. The gluteus minimus assists the gluteus medius to keep you balanced.

The three glute muscles play a key role in our overall wellness, strength and conditioning. But only if we keep using them. Unless we spread our legs a lot, extending and turning them through movement and exercise, our glutes will pretty much get a free ride through life. When we sit at a computer, watch TV and even when we walk around, the glutes don’t really do anything. Our sedentary lifestyle has meant that we have become non-users of our largest skeletal muscle group. And when we stop using them, our glutes effectively shut down.

The effect of glute retirement is that other, smaller and weaker muscles of your body are forced to take up the slack. The key one to take the strain is the erector spinae, the muscles of your lower back. Maybe that’s why we have so much lost productivity in our society due to low back strain. It’s got more to do with out of shape butt muscles than it has to do with weak back muscles.

The other muscle group that picks up the slack is the hamstrings. Hamstring pulls are a common accident / injury cause and, again, it’s probably got more to do with out of shape glutes than it has with weak hammies.

Your glutes need to be on the case if you want to have any hope of restoring your body’s vitality, strength and shape. But your glutes need a reason to get into shape. That means targeted exercise. But those glutes of yours aren’t going to make it easy. It enjoys doing nothing. Unless you do exercises that directly hit your glutes, you will recruit other muscle groups. That’s what happens with walking, running, climbing stairs and the like. While they are good overall leg exercises they are not specifically hitting the glutes.

The shape of your butt is directly related to the strength of your glutes. Weak, unused, neglected glutes are going to give you a saggy, folded look that gives you a flabby rectangular look. It will lack depth and fullness. A pair of glutes that are in shape, strengthened and well trained, however, will look very different. They will be perky, round and shapely. And what is the ultimate difference between the two?


Yes, muscle. Muscle gives your butt shape, firmness and beauty. By hitting the glutes consistently from all angles, providing progressive overload and fueling your muscle cells for growth, you will be able to remold your butt and finally find the answer to the question that has been plaguing womankind since time immemorial: How can I get a bigger butt?

Activating Your Glutes

A lot of movements that are typically done in the gym are potentially great glute movements. But they are only good if you know how to maximally activate your glutes during the exercises. Exercises like squats, lunges, the plank and push ups all have the potential to get your glutes firing on all cylinders. Most people, however, are not hitting their glutes on these exercises. By learning these exercises over, with an emphasis on glute recruitment, you’ll be able to totally transform your workout – and your butt.

The following bigger butt exercises will allow you to learn how to maximally activate your glutes. This is the first crucial step in learning how to get a bigger butt. Your goal is to feel like your butt is on fire as you do them. At first, you probably won’t feel that way. Keep doing these movements every day until you start to zero the focus in on your glutes. Then you’ll be in a position to benefit from the bigger butt exercises to follow.
The 4 Big Glute Activation Exercises

1) Double Leg Glute Bridge

From a supine position with bent legs, push through the heels and raise the hips into the air. On reaching full hip extension, tense the glutes, spinal erectors and hamstrings. You should feel the greatest muscle activation in the glutes. Be sure not to overarch your lower back. The up/down movement should be limited to the hips. Hold for sixty seconds.

2) Single Leg Glute Bridge – Foam Roller
From a supine position, center one bent leg and raise the hips into the air. Keep the non-working leg resting on a foam roller. Without shifting or rotating the core, tense the glutes tightly. Your gluteus maximus should be doing the bulk of the work to lift your lower body into the air. Your lower back should not feel any of the strain. Hold for sixty seconds then repeat with the other leg.

3) Side Lying Clam
From a side lying position, flex the hips about 45 degrees, keeping the heels in contact with one another. The gluteus maximus should contract to rotate externally and lift the leg. Do not twist the spine while holding the extended position for sixty seconds.

4) Bird Dog
Start on all fours then lift the left arm up while simultaneously, kicking    the right leg back. Keep the rear leg parallel to the floor. Keep your spine neutral. Hold for sixty seconds then repeat with the other leg.

These bigger butt exercises are designed to allow you to isolate and focus your muscular tension on your glutes. If you mainly feel them in your lower back and hamstrings, continue doing them on a daily basis until the focus transfers to your glutes. Over and above glute activation, these movements are great glute workers in themselves. Doing them everyday for a few minutes whenever you get the chance is a great daily habit that will greatly assist you to build a bigger butt.

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