Saturday 10 September 2016

Get Round Butt Guaranteed

Get a Round Butt with these Bigger Butt Exercises

You must do more than just work out to get your booty to grow. This article explains how to get a rounder, and firmer behind with our proven exercises that isolate your glutes for maximum results, while also showing you how to avoid common mistakes that will jeopardize your progress.

Stop wasting precious time on exercises that don’t work. Instead, start performing exercises that target your glutes and make them grow into the size and shape you have always wanted.

Whether you are a guy wanting to impress the ladies in your denim jeans or a woman trying to firm up and add some size to your booty, I am here to show you how. Let's get started and get that butt in gear.
The Importance of Resistance Training

I’m sure we all know where the gluteus muscles are located. But in case you forgot, you are sitting on them. Neglecting these muscles will cause them to shrink, become flat, sag or even become unshapely due to added body fat and muscle atrophy. Weight-loss diets and extra jogging or running is also a no-no. Our goal is to add size and not reduce it.

To get the butt you want, you need resistance and weight training. Below are some great exercises proven to do just that. I say proven because I have used them and continue to use them in my routines on a weekly basis.

You will positively know that these exercises work when you feel the soreness in your muscles a day or two after your workout.
Butt Exercises are Not Enough

Most sites show what exercises you can perform but leave you without a workout plan. Here are three things you might not know about your butt that's keeping it from growing:

    Too much exercise can actually have a negative impact on your progress.
    Not doing the proper amount of reps and sets can also be counter-productive.
    Recovery time and workout frequency are very important when building muscles.
    Your protein intake is vital to muscle growth. You can work out as hard as a professional bodybuilder, but if you don’t get enough protein to supply your muscles with the amino acids needed to grow, you will be spinning your wheels.

So if you truly want results, continue reading because you have come to the right place.

At the end of this article, I've included a 12-week exercise workout plan for both men and women, and also printable workout plans specifically tailored for each in PDF form.

Before we start with our list of exercises, let’s take a closer look at our glute muscles.
Three Butt Muscles You Need to Know

There are three muscles in your butt. These include the:

    Gluteus Maximus: Located above the gluteus medius, the maximus is the largest of the three muscles.
    Gluteus Medius: Located on the high end above your maximus.
    Gluteus Minimus: Located on the lower end, connecting your maximus with your hamstrings

The maximus is the main muscle we will concentrate on for adding size, though the other ones are also very important for developing the shape you want.

Randomly selecting three or four different exercises for a bigger butt workout will not ensure you are hitting all three glute muscles and will leave you with minimal results.

Our task is to not only hit our butt with intensity but also hit all three muscles for maximum stimulation and growth. Now let's move on to our top exercise list.
Top Eight Exercises for a Round Butt

1. Squats

2. Stair Climbing and Step-Ups

3. Forward Lunges

4. Plie Squats

5. Cable or Machine Kickbacks

6. Leg Press

7. Walking Lunges

8. Deadlifts


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