Monday 12 September 2016

How to get bigger Buttocks with exercises

You WILL NOT need to count calories. OK so there are 3 steps to getting bigger butt toned and sexy .

1. Motivation And Commitment

You must REALLY believe that you can achieve your goal. If you deep down don’t believe it then mentally you will say why bother? And you will find yourself not doing much. So it is critical to convince yourself (this takes self reflection time) that your goal is achievable. Remember if other people can do it, so can you. Yes the top actors and actresses all have personal trainers but they are still human beings, born with the same basic functionality that we are. Plenty of normal (non celeb) people are toned too. If you can see other people doing it you MUST rationalise to yourself that you can. If you believe that somehow genetically you are some type of quasi-alien that was born with a completely different body type to many other people and you are unique, you would be wrong. Everyone can be toned. It just takes a well thought out plan, and critically, perseverance to that plan.

2. Eating Healthy Foods In Reasonable Quantities

This means eating clean foods and avoiding those that are bad for us and contain toxins. Nothing new there I hear you say! But many people do not understand what clean foods are: these are foods in their natural state or have not changed very much from the natural state. They go off in the fridge relatively quickly and they contain fewer than five or six ingredients.

Organic food is usually the best and typically contains less toxins than non-organic food so it makes sense to buy organic food wherever possible. Organic foods tend to have more minerals and vitamins antioxidants and Omega-3 fatty acids. In addition they are far less likely to have pesticides on them.


Toxins are bad for your health and fattening! Toxins include sugar, alcohol, fizzy drinks, processed foods and caffeine

Avoid Sugar

Sugar is bad for us and makes us fat. Your body cannot cope with excess amounts of sugar so this is why it is simply stored as fat. At least 40% of sugar entering the bloodstream is converted to fat! Obviously high levels can lead to diabetes.

Sugar hits the bloodstream really quickly giving you a blood sugar spike but immediately your body produces insulin which over compensates giving a blood sugar crash making you feel extremely tired. If you want something sweet you should have fruits like berries. The sugar in fruit is not processed nor refined.

Sugar is also extremely addictive. Examples of sugar are white sugar fruit juice alcohol cakes and biscuits alcohol and many low-fat foods example by yoghurts of breakfast cereals if you have to to sugar eat it with protein.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol decreases muscle growth. The sugar goes straight to the bloodstream and winds up immediately as fat. It also slows down your metabolism because your liver is so focused on processing the alcohol it will not burn any flat at the same time. The health benefits of small amounts of alcohol are dubious but the key thing is to drink in moderation and realise that every glass of wine or beer will make you fatter with 100% certainty.

Avoid Processed food

Processed food is one significantly altered from its natural state. Some foods are heavily processed usually to extend the shelf life or to improve product attractiveness. Processed foods make you fat and have many of their vitamins and nutrients removed. Obviously not all processed foods are as bad as each other.

Some of the worst processed foods are tinned foods, processed meats, breakfast cereals, ready meals, white bread, dried pasta, crisps, chocolates and sweets.


Whilst one or two cups of coffee (preferably organic) have perceived health benefits, overdosing on caffeine by having much more than this certainly is bad for health. If you are a tea drinker then green tea is best and is a great detoxer.

3. Bigger Buttocks Fast With Exercise 

Want a great body? Looking for butt toning workouts. Well, you’ve come to the right place. If you have struggled previously or been promised the earth and let down, here at Big Buttocks Naturally we give you ultra smart free advice that will blast you towards your goal.

Once you are crystal clear on your goal then it’s time to set to work. Remember this will be a medium term commitment at least. If you think you can do a few exercises for a few weeks and make substantial progress then I’m afraid that’s just too good to be true. So if you are looking to shape your leg muscles or adominals or your deltoids (shoulders) or arms, then it will take a bit of work. Consistently. Not hours each day. But realistically you’ll need to put in 20-30 mins per day 4-6 days per week.

The equipment you’ll need for your body toning workouts are a good floor mat and a few free weights (dumbbells) from 1kg – 4kg [2 lb – 9 lb] and a reasonable pair of cross training shoes.

Don’t forget, if you’ve not exercised for a while, take it VERY easy at first and never exercise whilst in pain. Always warm up.

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